Northern Virginia
Swamp Counties
Six Northern Virginia Counties & Independent Cities exist as part of the Washington DC Swamp.
These 'Swamp Counties' and 'Swamp Cities' suck on the corrupt teat of Washington DC dirty money and do not in any way represent the people of Virginia.
These Swamp Counties & Swamp Cities disgrace the good name of the Commonwealth of Virginia and are a sadly integral part of the Swamp on the Potomac.
These cancerous 'Swamp Counties' must be excised from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The Northern Virginia Swamp Counties
Statewide Virginia Election Results (2012-2017)​
Northern Virginia DC Swamp
v Real Virginia
2017: Virginia Governor's Race
Ralph Northam (D) v Ed Gillespie (R)
Click to view Results
2016: US Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton (D) v Donald Trump (R)
Click to view Results
2014: Virginia Senate Race
Mark Warner (D) v Ed Gillespie (R)
Click to view Results
2013: Virginia Governor's Race
Terry McAullife (D) v Ken Cuccinelli (R)
Click to view Results
2012: US Presidential Election
Barack Obama (D) v Mitt Romney (R)
Click to view Results
2012: Virginia Senate Race
Tim Kaine (D) v George Allen (R)
Click to view Results
2018: Virginia Senate Race
Tim Kaine (D) v Corey Stewart (R)
Click to view Results
Proud Fairfax County DC Swamp resident FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok testifying to Congress. Click to see Strzok's testimony (Video).
Click to view Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte (VA) grilling Strzok about his eminent bias towards residents of Virginia outside the DC Swamp where he lives - Fairfax County.
'Mordor' on the Potomac
delivers Ralph Northam the Virginia Governorship
Incredibly current Virginia Governor Ralph Northam elected at the 2017 Virginia Gubernatorial Election is a product of the Democrat infested DC swamp.
Northam was hand-picked by Clinton Crime Cabal Crony and former Virginia Governor Terry McAullife to succeed the term limited McAullife in 2017 and rode to victory solely on the votes of fellow DC Swamp Dwellers in the six Northern Virginia Swamp Counties listed above.
Northam managed nearly 69% of the vote in the six Virginia Swamp counties compared to under 49% in the real parts of Virginia not infested by the DC Swamp.
In Real Virginia Republican candidate Ed Gillespie took nearly 20,000 more votes than Swamp Creature Northam and would now be the sitting Republican Governor of Virginia if the swamp suburbs of DC were excised from Virginia and returned to the Swampy District of Columbia, or indeed to Deep Blue Maryland. It matters little to where these Virginia Swamp Counties end up, but they no longer represent the views of Real Virginians and should be excluded from determining the policies Real Virginians are forced to live by.
It is time to excise the Swamp from Virginia and Make Virginia Great Again!! #MVGA.
Vote Corey Stewart in Virginia this November for the sake of Virginia and Virginians.